Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pinterest Favorits!

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening... whatever part of the day you are reading :)... because I saw we have some friends in Europe somewhere and some in Africa too! Cool! So welcome to my blog "Tea, China and Fair Skin".

I feel like I never gave any explanation to why the title of my blog is what it is so here you go.. I like tea, all kinds of tea! I collect China ware, like dishes.. I love thrifting for new pieces to add to my collection and I have Fair skin ,obviously lol. So now that we've covered that let's move on to what todays post is about. PINTEREST!

I was looking through my Pinterest boards and I discovered that I have so many favorite things on there that I absolutely love!! And I just really wanted to share them with you guys!

Pinterest is great... there is a world of information to be had through that site.. it's inspiring, helpful, addictive, and just plain fun. I have to limit myself to so many minutes a day because I work in an office in front of a computer so you can imagine the time I could waste on there lol.

Moving on... I compiled a list of one thing from a few of my favorite boards that I have. If you are unfamiliar with Pinterest, email me or message me on facebook and I will give you the run down :)
Also I will put the link to my Pinterest wall at the very bottom of this post so you can check out some of the items I talk about today and so much more.

Let's get to it!!! but one thing first: for some reason the site wouldn't let me show pictures so I just added the link to the topic or item I am talking about :) Sorry about that.. it would've been much prettier that way :( oh well.

#1. Let's start off with something embarrassing lol.. This is from my "Hair and Beauty Tips" board. Under-Arm Whitening Scrub!
I'm pale (as you can see in my profile picture) so the skin/pores under my arms tend to show dirt and grime more easily than others haha (unfortunate isn't it). So when I found this I was like HALLELUJAH!

#2. "My Style" board: Mustard draw string jacket with cute little rain boots..
Ok so this was the hardest for me to choose out of all the boards I have because the "my style" board is the one I mostly pin on lol. But this outfit reminds me of relaxing days in the Fall and that's what I'm most excited about right now.

3#. "For the Home" board: How to make hand stamped cutting boards.
I hate and will not cut my veggies on the same side or board that I cut meat on because you never know if there is still icky stuff in the grooves that you've cut.. Yuck! So I thought this was a cute idea to keep them organized.

4#. "Food" board: Home-made Fruit Snacks.
I am a sucker for fruit snacks but I only eat them once in a blue moon because they are mostly wax and sugar so that's not good. Then I found organic all fruit fruit ropes at the store but they are so expensive! So thankfully I stumbled upon this gem of a pin and I can't wait to try it! I just know I will gobble them right up lol.

#5. "Crafts I wanna Do" board: I don't know what you would actually call these lol I guess swiffer snuggies? Sounds about right.
Seriously though this is something I really want to make because I hate buying those stupid little pad things that get dirty after one use but you use it a few times (lets be honest) before you have to throw your money in the trash bag lol. That sounds so dramatic but still this would be nice to have!

#6. "Picture Ideas" board: Last Kiss WWII.
OK.. I seriously can't get over the world of emotion going on in this picture.. it would be precious if just one couple was kissing on the side of the boat but just the fact that they are all lined up like that saying good bye to their sweet heart (maybe for the last time) just jerks my heart strings! Definitely a classic and I want to print and frame this somewhere in my house.

#7. "Neat Printables" board: Weekly Menu Plan Printables.
I love that there are people out there that make stuff on the computer that I can't make or would never have thought about creating and share them on the Internet for goobers like me! Love love love printables! I have some other great ones for kitchen labeling as well if you want to go check out my pinteresting pinterst lol (I don't know why I think that's so funny to say but I laugh at it so it's ok.)

#8. "Organizing my Life" board: Measuring utensils organizer.
This one I love and want Lance to recreate for me so badly! First of all if you can't remember all the measurement rules like how many tablespoons equals= a cup or whatever... Here's your cheat sheet and also learning tool for the kiddos when they help cook! Secondly.. how annoying is it to leave the measuring spoons and cups on that ring! I mean I don't know if it's just me but I try and just use one of the utensils and end up getting them all dirty any way so I end up washing them all! So this clearly eliminates every problem I previously stated.

#9. "Cleaning Tips" board: How to Wash and Whiten pillows.
Everyone has seen the nasty drool and sweat staned yellow pillows after you take the pillow cases off to wash.. Nasty! I always got so grossed out by that.. some peoples are worse than others and that just depends on how much you drool and sweat at night but regardless the yellowness, it's got to change! Here's how! I actually have done this trick and it truely did work! Our pillows were much whiter with no stains and smelt very fresh! Helps you go to sleep at night better knowing you aren't laying on months of sweat and dirt and drool and dust mites and who knows what else!

And Last but not least let us end on a light note :)

#10. "FUNNY" board: Period Time-Line.
This is so funny because it is so accurate! I feel this way every month and when I showed it to Lance.. he was like that's exactly you haha I couldn't even be mad because of how funny and true this is. If you are a girl and don't experience mood swings and cravings then you are one blessed little brat in my opinion LOL just playing.. but really it's not fare.

Thanks for Reading guys! I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me down below what your favorites are on pinterest and let me know what your user name is so I can follow you! Hope you enjoy the rest of your day and Choose to be Happy!

Here's my Pinterest. Just click on the link and it will take you to my page. Follow me and let know if you want to be a Pinterester too and I'll send you an invite.. because it's an invite only site.

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